Board Meeting Minutes for 2005

Board Meeting Minutes for January 9th 2005
Called to order at 7:30 PM
The board passed recommended donations from the finance committee: R.Wheeler $25, Barker Lions $100, UNITS $50, and Tsunami Aid through Lions International $200. In addition Lion Al Ackerman proposed splitting the SABAH donation to both divisions. The board passed the resolution of $100 to SABAH and $100 to Elizabeth O'Donnell's SABAH group.
The Board passed the payment of up to $350 for supplies to build ramps by Dan Petrocellis and his Eagle Scout group.
A special election for the open directors slot was set for our February 23rd meeting.
Lion President Dick Planavsky asked Lion Jerry Dubiel to bring a brochure of the cap styles we can order for the Kids Picnic.
 A hearing aid request from a Grand Island woman was discussed. Lion Tom Witkowski will be contacted to see if this can be implemented.
Lion Paul Bassette discussed changes made by the scholarship committee (Will publish in the newsletter).
Lion Diane Dubiel discussed having a Health Fair on Grand Island with emphasis on Diabetes. Diane will work on organizing this and try to arrange a speaker from 20N.
Lion Tom Rusert proposed new nametags for our Lions and Plaques for the boat captains that donate their time and equipment at the Kids Picnic. He will coordinate this with Lion Larry Furnia. The resolution for this passed.
Lion Diane discussed having a membership promotion and will work on details.
A fundraiser was discussed for our 50th anniversary. It was noted that we will need to do something this year.
A motion was made and passed to adjourn at 8:30PM.
Lions present for the board meeting were: Ackerman, Dubiel D, Dubiel J, Planavsky, Chervinsky, Rusert, Norris, Hahn, and Bassette.

Respectfully submitted,  
Lion Dave Chervinsky

Board Meeting Minutes for January 26th 2005
-Lion President Dick Planavsky reported that Jim Crump had turned in his application to join the club. The board unanimously accepted him into the Club.
-Lion Larry Furnia announced the Plaques for the boat owners, who helped out at the Kids Picnic, would be presented at the first meeting in May.
-Lion Shelia announced the Valentines Party will be at the Holiday in and the price will be $17.50/person or $35/couple for a buffet dinner.
-Lion Tom Witkowski discussed a plan for recycling aluminum cans and pull-tabs on the Island. He will set up a collection basket at Tops and advertise in the Grand Island papers.
-Lion Tom also announced there will be a sight night on Halloween where kids will be asked to collect eyeglasses for the Lions instead of candy.
-The meeting was adjourned at 9:20 PM.

Present at the board meeting: Lions Planavsky, Ferrentino, Witkowski, Cooke, Norris, Furnia, Rusert, Crawford, Dubiel D, Dubiel J, Hahn, and Chervinsky

Respectfully submitted,  Lion Dave Chervinsky

Board Meeting 3/9/05
Paul Basette spoke to us for the scholarship committee to propose a possible Service Award be implemented in addition to the 3 scholarships that we currently award. This Service Award wouldn't necessarily be monetary & we may not have anyone eligible every year. The committee will come up with the criteria for this award, and a separate committee may needed for this award.
An Application for membership to join Grand Island Lions Club from Marcia Pfohl was brought to the floor by Membership chair Diane Dubiel, her sponsor, Jim Milne.
There was great discussion and it was voted at this time, not to have her as a member of our club. If any member wishes to address this, please contact President Lion Dick Planavsky.

Respectfully submitted, Lion Kathie Norris

Board Meeting Minutes 04/27/05
-Constitution changes: Lion Dick Crawford will send changes proposed to members and vote will take place at the next board meeting. Voted and passed
-Dues must be paid by December 31st or member will be dropped from the club. Voted and passed.
-Sunshine policy will remain at the discretion of the chairman.
-Lion Dan Morabito Re 50th anniversary: needs exact date of the charter and the first two presidents of Our Club.
-Lion Paul Bassette proposed buying the top three peace poster reproductions for $165 for display at our Library. It was noted the negative balance in our General account. It was decided to pass the bucket at our next two meetings for this and buy what we can
-Melvin Jones Award has been decided and will be presented in August.
_Lion Jerry Dubiel asked about our Toronto Lions visit - deferred to next year.
Adjourn at 9:40PM.

Present: Planavsky, Hahn Dubiel J, Dubiel D, Chervinsky, Schultz, Rusert, Norris, Bassette, Cooke, Morabito, Furnia, Crawford

Respectfully submitted, Lion Dave Chervinsky

Board Meeting 5/25
Board meeting was short and sweet…it was suggested that we donate $500 to the Vision Beyond Sight, Ira G Ross Eye Institute Lions Diagnostic Center. Motioned carried. 

It was suggested that Dave Chervinsky notify members that don’t normally make meetings for help via email

Respectfully submitted,  Lion Kathie Norris

 Board Meeting Minutes 06/22/05:
Present were Lions: Planavsky, Dubiel J, Dubiel D, Ferrentino, Furnia, Norris, Ackerman, Chervinsky.
-Lion Planavsky turned over the calendar to Lion J. Dubiel. Reported that the Independence Day parade needs organizing and committees need to be set up in September. Suggested that the 9PM meeting deadline be carried over to the New Year.
-Lion Ackerman read treasures report.
-Lion Furnia reported Re Ross Eye institute. We need to send check prior to their deadline so we get credit for this. Lion Rusert is the contact person for this.
Lion Norris in secretary's report:
-Lakeshore Lions have a Chicken Barbeque on July 10th Noon to 6PM.
-Eagle Scout Mike Giancola project for Camp Badger needs funding- to finance committee.
-Donation for troops in Iraq- to finance committee.
-Lion Dubiel D. reported getting a thank you from Ann Fries for the Installation Dinner invitation.
-Lion Dubiel also reported she has a contact with the VFW Ladies Auxiliary and they would be willing to help at the Kids Picnic– sent to Tom Schultz.
-Boys and Girls Club sent thank you for the $100 donation.
-General account shortfall was discussed, and will be brought up again at the first general meeting.
-Motion made and carried to adjourn at 8:30-PM.

Respectfully submitted,  Lion Dave Chervinsky

Board meeting minutes for August 10th 2005.

Present were Lions Steinagel, Ackerman, Ferrentino, Chervinsky, Hahn, Bassette, Schultz,  Dubiel D, and Dubiel J.
-Lion President Jerry Dubiel gave out committee assignments. Still in question were publicity and phone committee directors.
-Dubiel proposed that each vice-president run at least one meeting during the year.
-White cane discussed. Need member support. Scheduled for Aug 26-27. More publicity was suggested for the event and the idea of getting non-Lions (family, friends, etc.) to help out.
-Vests will be ordered for those that need them. Lion Paul  Bassette offered to order them. Lion Tom Schultz also offered to purchase at the Canadian store.
-Flags needed. Both USA and Canadian. A motion was made and passed to make this purchase.
-Bassette explained rules for a quorum (more than 1/2 of the board need be present) and discussed the new constitution. The constitution along with its table of contents should be brought to the first general meeting for review and approval by our members. President Dubiel will contact Lion Crawford for this.
-Lion Ackerman gave the treasures report.
-President Dubiel questioned if anyone wants a 20N phone directory. He will purchase one for each vice president.
Lion Diane Dubiel reported on the July 31st Cabinet Meeting:
- Local secretaries will be asked to make reports to 20N.
-Adds are needed to defray costs for the district newsletter.
-A number of events were announced: District golf tournament for August 31st, Holland speedway outing August 20th, Leadership training August 28th, Great Lakes Beach Sweep September 17th, next Cabinet Meetings September 17th, November 6th, March 19th. Contact Lion Dubiel for more info.
-President Dubiel read correspondence including the Youth Ambassador Program asking for a donation. Sent to budget committee.
-GI Chamber phone directory has a September 2nd deadline. President Dubiel will take care of this.
-LCIF Foundation sent a thank you note for our donation.
-Cheektowaga Lions will have an Ox Roast on August 25th.
-September 17th Merritton Lions will have their 2nd annual Lions Foundation of Canada Guide Dog Fundraiser.
Lion D. Dubiel reported that Lion John MacNeil is recovering from surgery for a cerebral aneurysm.
-Meeting ended at 9PM.
Respectfully submitted, Lion Dave Chervinsky

Board Meeting Minutes for October 26th, 2005
-Present were Lions Witkowski, Ackerman, Dubiel D, Dubiel J, Norris, Lobl, Hahn, Steinagel, Ferrentino, Chervinsky, Crawford.

GI Soccer club request for donation for a tree carving turned down. Members felt this was outside of our mission.
-Youth Band tickets were approved for purchase 10 X $5 for a total of $50.
-New member drive was discussed. Lion Ferrentino suggested we have a drive to get new members and have a special dinner for prospective new members. Cost to the Club was discussed. Sent to the membership committee.
-Lion Witkowski requested funds to pay for prizes and refreshments for Sight Night. The Board approved $150.
Lion Ferrentino discussed the cost to the Club for no-shows at our regular meetings. It was resolved that members will be asked to pay for their meal if they do not show up. The Phone Committee will take cancellations up to the day of the meeting to make it easier to opt out before the meeting. The policy is to be published in the newsletter.
Meeting Adjourned at 9:45PM.

Respectfully submitted,   Lion Dave Chervinsky

Board Meeting Minutes for December14th 2005:
-Meeting was called to order at 7:25 PM. Board members present were Dubiel J, Dubiel D, Steinagel, Norris, Bassette, Ackerman, Chervinsky.
-It was noted that no quorum was present and nothing could or would be voted.
-Lion Paul Bassette discussed a proposal for 20N Clubs participating in the Blind and Charity Fund to defer 1/2 of their returned shares to the UNYTS Eye Lab. The amount deferred to UNITS from all participating clubs would amount to $50,000 over a five-year period. In return the Eye Lab would give the Blind and Charity Fund (and all participating clubs) the naming rights for the new Lab. This must be voted on by each club.
-Lion Bassette also suggested we give a gift of recognition to The Grand Island Art Teacher who is setting up the display of the Peace posters in the Town Library.
-Lion President Jerry Dubiel read a request for funding for "the Guiding Eyes for the Blind".  This was sent to the Budget Committee.
-Lion Dubiel also discussed a request for a reader for a 10-year-old boy on the Island. Cost is $2300 for a new reader. It was noted that the Ray Wheeler fund will match up to $500. A fundraiser was discussed for this along with the possibility one can be found in a loan closet. Lion Diane Dubiel thinks Williamsville may have one and will check this out.
-Lion Mike Stienagel noted his previous Lions Club transferred 10% of Welfare budget to General Funds for applicable administrative costs. Lion Kathie Norris will check if there are any guidelines in the bylaws for this.
-Meeting was adjourned at 8:15PM.

Respectfully submitted,
Lion Dave Chervinsky
